“The best is yet to come” A belief hard to sustain during the 20th century but ZOOM persevered and continued to publish and release the best - and only the best images, setting the bar high for future generations. ZOOM has been a platform documenting visual culture since the 1970. Now updated on SWIMMING POOL: ZOOM Magazine.
Japan the empire of photography: hundreds of professionals, twenty-six thousand students every year in schools, millions of cameras manufactured by flourishing firms. More than enough of the various external elements that the tradition inherited from painters and illustrators in search of the privileged moment. As before, the so-called artistic expression groups gathered around a master. Filmmakers, screenwriters, actors, drawers, illustrators or photographers belong to a clan whose laws and tendencies cannot be broken. Faced with an extremely divided production, we have chosen to entrust the writing and editing of this Zoom "Japan Special" to one of these leaders, Shuji Terayama. The reader will therefore get to know the visual reality in Japan in a unique way.